Saturday, June 17, 2017

Update on Blog Instructions

Just a quick update on some key findings about this blog.

Many have told me via email they can not comment.  In order to comment you MUST be on the blog website.  I believe many of you are receiving the blog via email.  That is convenient BUT it has limited functions - commenting is one of them.  In addition you can not view any videos with the email format.

If you are getting the blog via email at the bottom of the message there is a link back to the blog site.  Click on it and it will take you to the site where you can view all the blogs I have posted and you should be able to comment on any specific blog post.   

I have also been struggling to load videos. I have tried different ways (based on instructions) and nothing seems to work.  I am now going to try posting them on Youtube and include the link in the blog post.  As a test I have loaded a short video of Oscar that I took a few weeks ago at the sea.   Please let me know if this works.  Please comment in the comments section or send an email.  

Hope you are enjoying my posts.   More to come later today.

Test video of Oscar at the sea a few weeks ago.  Keeping my fingers crossed that this will work!


  1. Youtube first said video private and I needed to sign in, but there was no sign in and now when I access through your blog it says the video doesn't exist. I love reading about your big adventure and look forward to your continued posts!

    1. Thank Lorrie - DUH I did set the video as Private when I was working on the blog. I forgot to change that before I posted the link. I will change it and edit the post. I will let you know when done and if you can then try again that would be great. The link was just copied and pasted form youtube so the address should be correct.

    2. Ok Lorrie - try the link now in the blog. I changed it to public

  2. Looking at your link, it looks to me like you have a . in the wrong spot. Is between the u and b. Maybe that's why I can't see it.

  3. I tried different things but couldn't find it either. There is but it didn't work there. I tried typing it on the youtube and site also. Jan

    1. Thank Jan - I realized I set the video as private I will be changing it shortly.

    2. Jan - try it now - it should work?1?!?!? :)

  4. I tried it this morning at 8:30am our time and it works. Thanks for sharing. Jan
