Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Ready, Set, G.... oops - STOP!!

martedi, 20 giugno

So early last week I decided it was time to investigate Italian mobile phone plans.  Stefano advised me there was a phone store in Marina (this is how we refer to Marina di Casal Velino).  It offers phones and phone plans from multiple phone companies.  I wasn't going to change at this point but wanted to get the information.  So I stopped last week while out running errands and there was no long line (surprise) and I began a limited conversation with the gal that was working. She was very nice and patient and within 30 minutes I walked out with hand-written notes of a few different plans.  Fast forward to later in the week - Stefano is home for a few days and agrees to go with me to the store to purchase my new plan.  Thank goodness as I thought I had made my decision but he advised me one service,  "TIM", does not work well in Acquavella while another service, Vodafone, does.  I was going to select TIM.  So we decide to go to the store on Saturday evening and then we would go to dinner afterwards.  Once at the store we (really he) begins to explain what I want.  I hand over my Carta D'Identita to prove who I am.   They take a copy of it and begin to work on the computer.   They then hand me a card with the SIM in it (see the picture below).

I hand over 20€ and that is that.  But this whole process took about an hour.  Now I am a bit bewildered as I signed nothing, I received no documents just the SIM.  Stefano says yes we can leave.  We will install the SIM while at dinner and I "SHOULD" get an SMS message when the plan is activated.  I think to myself - "ok but why don't I feel comfortable about this whole process".  I would find out later my gut feelings were correct.  But at this point Stefano is confident all is well so I go along.  At dinner we install the SIM and I start to get SMS messages from Vodafone.  I also have to install the Vodafone app as that is how you do everything, check usage,  reports problems, etc.  Ok - this is great - things are working.  I have my new #, we test it with his mobile and it works.   He does tell me though to not use the internet without wi-fi until I get the activation SMS.  No problem I would be at home tomorrow (Sunday) most of the day and on my wi-fi network.  

Sunday comes and goes and still no SMS activation message from Vodafone but the phone is working.  Stefano had told me the phone would work but my free phone minutes and 4G data plan would not kick in until I received the SMS message.  I now start to notice on the app that my account (with 15€) is starting to decline.  I forgot to explain - this is my monthly cost and is like a bank account - as you use services not included it declines (I think - but to be real honest I am still a bit lost on this part - but figured I could figure it out later - I had a phone and it worked - don't sweat the small stuff - haha).    But by Monday morning I was down to under 1€ and I had been on wi-fi the whole time.  Something is clearly not right.  Why oh why am I not surprised.  Stefano and I determine my plan never really kicked in and I am getting charged for anything and everything I do on the phone - wi-fi or not.  So we decide to go back to the phone store last night which we did.  The gal that originally helped us was there along with another gal. They both look dumbfounded when Stefano explained what was going on.  One would think this would be an easy fix.  HA!  Remember Karla -this is southern Italy.  

They both are looking on the computer - not sure at what -but then decide they have to call customer service  - WHAT?  They take my phone and call the Vodafone customer service line.  And now the wait begins.  While we are in the store many more people are coming in and they are working with multiple people at once.  They had Stefano hold my phone and told him to let them know when customer service answers - SERIOUSLY!!  So now we wait while the gals are helping other customers. I guess you could say they were being efficient - but that is a stretch in my mind.   Finally customer service answers and he hands the phone back to the gal.  For the next 10-15 minutes they are discussing the problem and Stefano tells me she is having difficulty getting them to understand.  By now my head is about to explode.  I take a deep breath as I chose to live here and I need to learn to adjust to some of this craziness.  Finally they conclude the call and I am told I need a new SIM (which means another new phone number)  Thank goodness I took a deep breath or I would have jumped over the counter and slapped her.  No choice but to accept this result.  Luckily I had not communicated my new number too broadly.  So off Stefano and I go to dinner with my new SIM.  But this time we all agreed I would NOT install it until I received my activation SMS message (most likely on Tuesday).  Believe it or not the phone still works on wi-fi so I can receive email messages and What'sApp txt messages.  As I type this at 11:23 a.m on Tuesday - still no activation SMS.  BUT last night while at dinner (and on the restaurant wi-fi network) I did receive via email a copy of a contract and a copy of my phone plan.  NOW I am feeling like this time it will work as soon as I get that message.  And the waiting continues.........

Have a great day!!

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