Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Sant'Antonio Celebration - Patron Saint of Casalvelino Scalo.

mercoledi, 28 giugno 2017

I promised you an update on this special day for the village of Casalvelino Scalo (now called Velina).  I was invited to lunch at cousin Antonio's country house - or as I call it - the party house.  It was a small intimate gathering of just close family - there were 8 of us.  But Anna cooked enough food for an army. And with any celebration, many courses.  They love their traditions.  The lunch consisted of 7 courses.  We started with a plate of grilled eggplant, ricotta cheese and a bread with meat.  Next was cannelloni, then fusilli (yes 2 different pastas).  After that (as if that wasn't enough) we had pork ribs in red sauce.  At this point I thought we were done but heavens no.  The main course was chicken and 2 types of green vegetables - peas and Italian green beans (they are flatter and longer).   Then came a big plate of cut up watermelon and a huge platter of fresh fruit (figs, apples and plums).  But no Italian meal is complete without the sweets.  So we finished the meal with a gelato cake and a big platter of pastries.  I was about to die - but I was glad I ate so much as I would need the fuel later (but I didn't know it at the time). After lunch I came home for a few hours but was to return to Velina around 7:30 for the famous procession.  

Every village will have a Mass followed by a procession through the streets of the village - with men members of the church carrying the statue of the saint on their shoulders - a very distinct honor.  In addition the procession stops at stations along the way to pray.  The stations are set up by neighbors in that area.  There is a table so the statue can be set down and the area is decorated as well.  Along the procession route everyone decorates their houses or their fences with balloons, ribbons, banners, etc.   The procession consists of the priest, alterboys, what looks like boy scouts, the statue guard (my term) , the local band and then just towns people.  Not everyone participates as many stay home and watch the procession.  Not sure how they make that decision.  

So with that as background,  I arrive at Antonios house around 7:30. I meet up with Anna, Veronica (their daughter) and her baby.  The men are at the church as Antonio will be helping carry the statue this year.  We take a place along the procession line that is at the first station.  This station has been created by Antonio and his family.  

We hear the church bells so know that the procession has started.  It doesn't take long and they are at the first station.  Check out the video as the they are approaching the station.  You can hear the band playing and see the "statue guard" carrying the statue.

When they finish the prayers the procession starts again.   See the next video.

As the entire procession passes by and we begin to leave I just follow Anna and Veronica and ASSUME we are going to go back to the house and wait for Antonio.  Silly me - no we are now part of the procession.  It is a bit too late for me to excuse myself so I just go along. I figure - what the heck - I can experience this once (even though I am not catholic I'm sure God won't mind).   But what I didn't realize at the time is that the procession lasts 2+ hours.  You see there is daylight in the pictures above.  Well when we finished it was after 10:30 p.m.  I was very respectful during the procession making sure not to take pictures (although I wanted to) but figured it would blow my cover (haha).  We finish at the church.  As we approach on the Main Street the festival lights are all lit as well as lights at the church.  

  Now here is the funny thing - as we approach the church and the procession winds down the church bells start to ring and the band begins to play again.  Up to this point I didn't know most of the music they were playing along the route - it wasn't religious but more march style.  They ended the night playing - "Stars and Stripes for Ever" - I kid you not.  I about died.  The musicians had to know what they were playing but why oh why would they play that.  I just laughed.  The video below is evidence but not sure you can hear it as the bells are rather loud.

So I survived (thank goodness for the hefty lunch) but you can be sure I won't do that again.  This weekend is the festival for the patron saint of Acquavella - Mary - the Madonna.  Preparations have been underway for a few weeks. The lights are up in the village and Masses occur daily.  It will be a 3 day festival with music, food, and of course our procession on Sunday.  You can be sure I won't participate in that one - they might expect to see me at the catholic church on Sundays (haha).  But I will enjoy the festivities and watch the procession as it is very traditional - complete with folk costumes.  I have seen it a few times before while on vacation here.  It is rather amazing I will say.  So with that I sign off and will give you an update after our festivities this weekend. 

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Creative Selling

domenica, 25 giugno 2017

Ok we are going to try a video again.  So it was Friday night and I hear a loud speaker.  Now this typically means some truck is coming to the village to either advertise an upcoming event, announce something (possibly a political advertisement) or sell something.  As I am still learning the language I never know until the truck/car arrives on my street and I can see what they are selling.  In time I will be able to understand the announcements better.

Once a week there is a fruit and vegetable vendor selling from a truck.  In the past I have seen mattresses strapped to the top of the truck and they are for sale.  There is also a truck that brings fresh mozzarella and ricotta cheese, but tonight it was linens.  So to give you a feel I took a short video as the truck had passed my house and then started to back up (my street is a dead end on one side).  The announcement is usually prerecorded and just plays over the loud speaker usually interspersed with music.  Notice the goods are strapped to the top and the front of the vehicle.   Tonight he was selling items for 10 euros.   

Just another interesting tidbit about southern Italy.   Hope you can see the video - it is a youtube link that should play for all.  Either click on it OR copy and paste into your browser.

Also tonight Casalvelino Scalo is celebrating St. Antonio (Patron Saint) day.  It was a few weeks ago but the celebrations are now all on Sundays for all to enjoy.   I enjoyed a celebration lunch with Antonio and family and will celebrate tonight as well.  I will blog on the
festivities in the next day or two.

A domani o dopo domani!

Thursday, June 22, 2017 and Italian Delivery Services..........OR....

giovedi, 22 giugno 2017

......this post could be called....

1.  I must be living right..
2   There is a GOD....
3.  They owed me one...

Take your pick.

Today I want to tell you about Amazon Italy and the various delivery services they use to deliver packages.  

Before I even moved to Italy I learned Amazon was alive and well in Italy and I could even sign up for Prime!  I thought to myself this is fabulous - so anything I might not find in my village or surrounding area I could just order on Amazon and I would have it quickly!  Well - yes and no.  True you can order just about anything on that you can order on  The difference comes when they have to delivery it.  

My first experience was great - I ordered a cordless vacuum and it was delivered right to my door within days.  WOW - this is great I thought. I was a bit taken back though as I had to sign for the package,  I thought well maybe due to the value.   I didn't give it any more thought.  I was a happy camper and could proceed to use Amazon for other items I needed and couldn't find locally.

Well the next order would give me a much better and truer picture of what happens when you order something that has to be delivered.  This time they couldn't find me.  It was a different deliver service this time and I won't tell you how many emails, phone calls from Ireland (where they tried to speak English and did about as well as I do with Italian) it took to  try and get my package redelivered.  I even tried using the Farmacia address.  That address worked but the day they tried to deliver the Farmacia was closed.  Ok another head explosion moment.  I never got my item.  I cancelled the order and Amazon did refund my money.  

So now I am a little skeptical on ordering but I realize I still need to.  Angela tells me to use her address for future deliveries as she is usually home and they can find her house.  I know this to be true as I ordered some dog food for Oscar prior to my move and it arrived at her house on time.  

Ok so let's try again.  I needed to order a printer for my office.  So I did my research and found what I wanted on Amazon.  Now this time I decide to use Angela's address. I realize they will be on vacation for a week but Stefano will be home from college while they are gone to take care of their cats.  No problem - he agrees he will accept the shipment so I go ahead and order the printer.  It should be here in 2 days (gotta love Prime).  I ordered it Monday and it was to be delivered yesterday, Wednesday.  I'm tracking the package and sure enough it will be delivered on Wednesday.  BUT, Stefano gets an urgent message from a professor at school and must return to Naples immediately.  So he leaves Wednesday morning.  He texts me to tell me and I immediately think about the package.  Sure enough they try to deliver - no one is there and they WILL NOT leave the package - any package for that matter - no matter the value.  I get emails from Amazon telling me the service will try again tomorrow (Thursday) and after that it is up to me to contact the delivery service and make arrangements for the deliver.  Ya right!  

So now it is Thursday morning.  I do my usual outside chores first thing in the morning, along with a load of laundry.  I then need to go to the market in Ascea and the grocery store.  I decide to stop by Angela's house on the way home just in case there might be a note from the shipper (per Amazon's email) - there wasn't - but it was worth a shot.  So as I am driving home I decide to grab a quick lunch and then take Oscar with me back down the mountain to Angela's where we will WAIT and hope that we can meet the shipper - and that he hasn't already tried again early this morning.  I realize it is a long shot but what the heck it just might work.

I get to her house, park my car and take Oscar for a walk in a small park right across the street from Angela's.  This way I can watch for the deliver truck.  I am in the park no more than 10 minutes at most (ok divine intervention now) and I see a red BRT delivery truck come around the corner.  OMG - this can't be happening I say to myself - but then he stops short of the house and my heart sinks - darn I thought I was lucky - but wait - he is asking directions it appears.  He continues to drive down the street and again stops short and gets out of his truck.  This time I call out to him - and he questions me - Angela Lista???? 

Hallelujah!!!!!  It is my delivery.  The funny thing is - he remembers me and said he delivered my first package (he speaks just a little English) to Acquavella.  He knew where to find me he said.  I explained my problem with other delivery services and he just shrugged with a smile.  Now if I could only select my choice of delivery companies and drivers - do you think Amazon would listen?   

So my printer arrived and I have it installed in my office.  Now where do I buy printer paper? I think I will go for a drive.  

Enjoy your day!

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Ready, Set, G.... oops - STOP!!

martedi, 20 giugno

So early last week I decided it was time to investigate Italian mobile phone plans.  Stefano advised me there was a phone store in Marina (this is how we refer to Marina di Casal Velino).  It offers phones and phone plans from multiple phone companies.  I wasn't going to change at this point but wanted to get the information.  So I stopped last week while out running errands and there was no long line (surprise) and I began a limited conversation with the gal that was working. She was very nice and patient and within 30 minutes I walked out with hand-written notes of a few different plans.  Fast forward to later in the week - Stefano is home for a few days and agrees to go with me to the store to purchase my new plan.  Thank goodness as I thought I had made my decision but he advised me one service,  "TIM", does not work well in Acquavella while another service, Vodafone, does.  I was going to select TIM.  So we decide to go to the store on Saturday evening and then we would go to dinner afterwards.  Once at the store we (really he) begins to explain what I want.  I hand over my Carta D'Identita to prove who I am.   They take a copy of it and begin to work on the computer.   They then hand me a card with the SIM in it (see the picture below).

I hand over 20€ and that is that.  But this whole process took about an hour.  Now I am a bit bewildered as I signed nothing, I received no documents just the SIM.  Stefano says yes we can leave.  We will install the SIM while at dinner and I "SHOULD" get an SMS message when the plan is activated.  I think to myself - "ok but why don't I feel comfortable about this whole process".  I would find out later my gut feelings were correct.  But at this point Stefano is confident all is well so I go along.  At dinner we install the SIM and I start to get SMS messages from Vodafone.  I also have to install the Vodafone app as that is how you do everything, check usage,  reports problems, etc.  Ok - this is great - things are working.  I have my new #, we test it with his mobile and it works.   He does tell me though to not use the internet without wi-fi until I get the activation SMS.  No problem I would be at home tomorrow (Sunday) most of the day and on my wi-fi network.  

Sunday comes and goes and still no SMS activation message from Vodafone but the phone is working.  Stefano had told me the phone would work but my free phone minutes and 4G data plan would not kick in until I received the SMS message.  I now start to notice on the app that my account (with 15€) is starting to decline.  I forgot to explain - this is my monthly cost and is like a bank account - as you use services not included it declines (I think - but to be real honest I am still a bit lost on this part - but figured I could figure it out later - I had a phone and it worked - don't sweat the small stuff - haha).    But by Monday morning I was down to under 1€ and I had been on wi-fi the whole time.  Something is clearly not right.  Why oh why am I not surprised.  Stefano and I determine my plan never really kicked in and I am getting charged for anything and everything I do on the phone - wi-fi or not.  So we decide to go back to the phone store last night which we did.  The gal that originally helped us was there along with another gal. They both look dumbfounded when Stefano explained what was going on.  One would think this would be an easy fix.  HA!  Remember Karla -this is southern Italy.  

They both are looking on the computer - not sure at what -but then decide they have to call customer service  - WHAT?  They take my phone and call the Vodafone customer service line.  And now the wait begins.  While we are in the store many more people are coming in and they are working with multiple people at once.  They had Stefano hold my phone and told him to let them know when customer service answers - SERIOUSLY!!  So now we wait while the gals are helping other customers. I guess you could say they were being efficient - but that is a stretch in my mind.   Finally customer service answers and he hands the phone back to the gal.  For the next 10-15 minutes they are discussing the problem and Stefano tells me she is having difficulty getting them to understand.  By now my head is about to explode.  I take a deep breath as I chose to live here and I need to learn to adjust to some of this craziness.  Finally they conclude the call and I am told I need a new SIM (which means another new phone number)  Thank goodness I took a deep breath or I would have jumped over the counter and slapped her.  No choice but to accept this result.  Luckily I had not communicated my new number too broadly.  So off Stefano and I go to dinner with my new SIM.  But this time we all agreed I would NOT install it until I received my activation SMS message (most likely on Tuesday).  Believe it or not the phone still works on wi-fi so I can receive email messages and What'sApp txt messages.  As I type this at 11:23 a.m on Tuesday - still no activation SMS.  BUT last night while at dinner (and on the restaurant wi-fi network) I did receive via email a copy of a contract and a copy of my phone plan.  NOW I am feeling like this time it will work as soon as I get that message.  And the waiting continues.........

Have a great day!!

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Update on Blog Instructions

Just a quick update on some key findings about this blog.

Many have told me via email they can not comment.  In order to comment you MUST be on the blog website.  I believe many of you are receiving the blog via email.  That is convenient BUT it has limited functions - commenting is one of them.  In addition you can not view any videos with the email format.

If you are getting the blog via email at the bottom of the message there is a link back to the blog site.  Click on it and it will take you to the site where you can view all the blogs I have posted and you should be able to comment on any specific blog post.   

I have also been struggling to load videos. I have tried different ways (based on instructions) and nothing seems to work.  I am now going to try posting them on Youtube and include the link in the blog post.  As a test I have loaded a short video of Oscar that I took a few weeks ago at the sea.   Please let me know if this works.  Please comment in the comments section or send an email.  

Hope you are enjoying my posts.   More to come later today.

Test video of Oscar at the sea a few weeks ago.  Keeping my fingers crossed that this will work!

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Onomastico - and another Italian Party

mercoledì, 14 giugno 2017 

Yesterday (Tuesday) was the Onomastico (name-day) for Antonio.  What is an Onomastico you say?  Here is bit of an explanation from the internet  

"Italian Names and their Onomastico. ... It is a person's Saint Day, as each day is dedicated to a Saint in the Catholic religion, and it has been celebrated since the Middle Ages, not only in Italy, but also in other European and Latin American countries, who have been influenced by a Catholic or an Orthodox customs.

This tradition originated with the Christian calendar of saints: believers named after a saint would celebrate their saint’s feast day, or in the Eastern Orthodox tradition, the day of a saint’s death.

Throughout Italy the onomastico is celebrated as a second birthday, though many Italians nowadays, especially in the north, do not celebrate it anymore. Now people just receive wishes, like “auguri” or “buon onomastico”. In the southern part of Italy this custom is still very current. One’s onomastico is a day of celebration and warm wishes from family and friends, much like a birthday."

So with that background, my cousin Antonio, the carpenter and all around great guy who loves parties, had his Onomastico festa yesterday.  So last night I was invited to his party.  Antonio has land in the country (interesting as the whole area in my mind is country) about 5 minutes from his house.   This land is where he has all sorts of parties.  He has buildings and outside structures for that exact purpose.  Over the years I have attended many a "Festa" (party/holiday) at this place.  So last night 20+ of his closest friends and family gathered to help him celebrate.  And as always there was food as well as a wonderful "torta" (cake) and sparkling wine.  Everything (except the wine) was home made by Anna - even the beautiful torta.

I asked Antonio when my Onomastico was.  Everyone believes it would be for Saint Carlo as I believe all the Saints are men so you have to determine the name that is closest to yours.  They thought San Carlo - but that is for Charles so I think I need to work with them a bit more on this.  

Anyway here are some pictures of Antonio's country house for parties.  It is so fun to celebrate here.
This table can seat at least 40 -50 people comfortably.  

This is at the end of the table - a work area with a gas stove, sink and a grill (cook with wood),
This area has been added since my last visit.

This is a building that houses a full kitchen, bathroom, indoor party room
 and now a new bedroom - recently added

Inside kitchen with two stoves and ovens

Inside party room or tables for buffet for outside parties - note the photos all over the walls
Evidence of all the parties that have taken place here.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Progress on the Home Front

domenica, 11 giugno - martedì, 13 giugno

Progress!!! I love it.  The past week I have been very busy and full of checking things off the list.  I started this blog a few days ago but will now try and finish it and get it posted.  I have also tried to continue to adjust and embrace the Italian lifestyle by doing some more cooking.  More on that later.  

On the home front - la Mia casa, the plumber FINALLY arrived.  Funny thing - he came on Saturday afternoon as expected BUT he didn't have the parts - SERIOUSLY?????- I about died.  He promised he would return at 4:30 with the parts and complete the job.   That same afternoon Luigi's friend came and helped move out pieces of furniture and other items of Angela's that I was not going to use.  My office (or studio as they call it here) is now just packed with my stuff.  And earlier this evening (Sunday) cousin Antonio came to start the process of hanging things for me.  The walls are concrete so it would be impossible for me to try and attempt to hang pictures, etc.  He made a good dent in the work.  I have quite a few pictures/art work that I shipped from MN.  We hung some of the more challenging items.    It feels so good to see progress.  Many MN friends will recognize my old world globe tapestry.  It now hangs in my living room.  

Also earlier today (Sunday) cousin Angela and I took a drive (90 minutes) to IKEA in Salerno.  I was looking for a few items and I was successful.  I needed more counter/food prep space in my tiny kitchen.  They had exactly what I needed.  So it came home with us and I assembled it all by myself!! It has wheels so I can move it around when I need to use it   for food prep.

And I also have 2 out of three quotes for window and door screens.  With the warmer/hot weather arriving I really need to open the doors and windows but typical Italian homes do not have screens. That is one part of Italian life I can not and will not embrace.  Living in the country there are many flying insects and they end up in the house - not good!!  So the plan is to make a decision tomorrow (Monday) and I should have them installed within a week.  But as in typical Italian style the first contractor that came is the last one to submit a quote. I am still waiting.  Too bad for him- he doesn't realize I have no patience. 😂

So with the house progressing I thought it was time to do some more cooking as well as do some pampering via a pedicure!!

I went to two different markets this week - just for the heck of it.  I bought eggplant (melanzane) and romaine lettuce (lattuga romaine) at one.  At the other - tomatoes (pomodori), onion (cipolla) and garlic (aglio).  Can anyone guess what I am going to make?  

I started on Thursday and made my first home made tomato sauce here in Italy.  I followed a recipe of my cousins which is very easy and fast.  It is a marinara sauce as it will be used in my parmigiana.  Evidence in the pictures below.  

Then last night (Saturday) I made the Eggplant Parmigiana.  I must admit it did not turn out as I would have liked.   I have made it many times before but many things were different which in a scientific equation when you make that many changes with the inputs - who knows what will happen with the output.  It was edible BUT clearly I need more practice with the Italian ingredients and my oven.  

Buon appetito!

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Italian Banking - Part 3

martedi, 13 giugno 2017

Today I finally got the nerve to go back to the bank.  I had been trying to view my account on line but with no success.  There was even an English option on the website so I knew I wasn't missing anything.  There was no option to create an account and the user name and password I had received for my Bancomat card did not allow access to my account. 

I knew I had to go talk to the bank but getting up enough courage - not necessarily because I still am learning the language but I KNEW the line would be long..... and it was.

My plan was to get there early in hopes there would be no line.  HA!  Bad strategy.   I arrived at 9:26 - probably not early enough.  Oh well, when I arrived I was #9 in line.   There were 2 bankers working today - thankfully the gentleman that helped me before was there.  Now how do I ensure I get him and not the other person?????

There is a machine to take a number but it is broken - and has been broken from my first visit weeks ago.  So you must just remember where you are at in line.  At 9:45 I am still waiting and I almost walk out BUT I stuck to my guns and stayed in line.  I needed to get this task accomplished so waiting was required.  Finally at 9:55 it is my turn BUT I am in line to see the other banker - they alternate clients.  Darn!  Oh well, I sit down and begin to explain what I need and he says - Oh no, Internet banking you must see my colleague.  HAHA!  So I get to see my friend anyway.  I now have to wait again but I would be the next in line when he was free.  So about 10:00 I finally sit down with the banker and explain what I want.  Who knew there would be paperwork and a contract to sign to have internet banking.  

I will say Italian banking appears to be very secure BUT lots of red tape.  So I now have an online account.  Interesting difference from U.S. account.  I have a user name and password. But I also have a little fob that is a number generator.  When I access my account after entering the user name and password you then press the fob and it generates a number that you must then enter to actually gain access to our account.  His words to me - don't lose the fob.  No kidding.  He then advised me that I can also use an app on my mobile phone.  I declined and said - at this point let me just work with the online account while at home.  That would be a bit much at this point in time.  Baby steps!!

I had plans to go purchase my new phone plan today but after that adventure I decided to put that off to tomorrow - domain!!!

Also I did learn that if I post videos you must view them from the blog website - they are not available to view if you are reading the blog via email.   So for those that couldn't see the Oscar video of a few weeks ago - try going to the blog website directly and view the video. If you try it and it still does not work please let me know.  I want to post more videos but need to ensure they are viewable.

On to my next adventure.... Buona giornata!!

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Italian Birthday Party

mercoledi, 7 giugno 2017

Last night I was invited to a birthday party for a cousin's son.  Giulio's 30th birthday was yesterday so the party was last night - yes on a Tuesday night.  No matter that many people had to work today.  It was at a restaurant where I had been before.  I was told the party started at 8:30 - well sort of.  That is Italian time which means people start to arrive at 8:30 but it usually takes an hour for everyone to arrive.  

When I arrived a few family members were already there.  A few I had not seen yet since I arrived in May so it was fun greeting them and catching up.  One look inside the restaurant and I knew this was not just a small family gathering.  The entire restaurant was set up for the party.  There were 8 to 10 tables for about 60-70 people.  As more people arrived I discovered (but not surprised) it would be a mix of family and friends.  So family of both my cousin Emilio and his wife Maria Luisa as well as Giulio's friends were attending.  

By 9:30 most everyone was at the restaurant and similar to a wedding we began to be served.  The first course was a beautiful antipasti plate with meats, a sweet bread, bruschetta, and marinated vegetables.  Baskets of bread were also on the table along with bottles of water, coke and of course red wine. 

As we were finishing this yummy plate more food arrived. Plates and bowls of zeppole (fried dough balls - one of my favorites), fried vegetables as well as sauteed vegetables were then brought.  Vegetables consist of peppers, zucchini, eggplant for example.  After that then a plate of baked zucchini (similar to a lasagna)  I could have stopped there and been just fine but I knew there was more to come.  And as at an Italian wedding there was a break after all of this.  The smokers go outside (yes many of the younger ones still smoke), and others just roam around the room chatting with others they know.  After an appropriate amount of time (not sure what that is) everyone is seated again and here comes the pizza.  Each table (depending on # of people) would receive multiple pizzas.  They serve the same kind to each table - a margherita first,  and over the next 30-45 minutes a total of 4 different types of pizza.  My apologies as I did not take additional photos of the food.  At this point however it is well after 11 p.m.  After the tables are cleared it is time for cake, sparkling wine and photos with the birthday boy and the cake.  Photos are an important part of the night.  Again, similar to a wedding, each family group and each group of friends would have a picture taken with Giulio and his cake.

Giulio (in jacket) with his brother Francesco and his parents, Emilio and Maria Luisa

Giulio with all of his first cousins (minus 2)

The birthday cake!

Then it was time to cut the cake and have a toast with sparkling wine. The cake was a white layer cake with a cream like mousse filling with strawberries - the frosting not too sweet.  So by now it is well after midnight!  Are you kidding me?  It's a weeknight!  HAHA!!  But it is important to celebrate on the day of the birthday and not on the weekend.  Again proving that Italians take family and celebrations seriously!  Now if some of the workers would take things as seriously.  I've been waiting 3 weeks for a plumber.   Also a man that will measure for window/door screens was a no show on Monday night.  No call, just a no show.  You have to take it all in stride and don't sweat the small stuff!  Alla Famiglia and Auguri Giugio!

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

New Hairdo and Caffe from a Basket

martedi, 6 giugno 2017

Today was the day for my first hair appointment here in Italy.  With my cousin Doria visiting Italy for a week we decided to make appointments on the same day.  Doria lives in Germany but she, along with her husband and son, visit Italy twice a year.  A short visit in June and for her summer holiday (one month) in August.  Many of you may remember Doria as my cousin who is a super fan of Prince and had visited me in Minnesota two times.  She speaks fluent German, Italian AND English.  In my life I just want to be able to speak 2 languages!!  She is always a great help to me in understanding the Italian language and the Italian way of life.  

So first things first, cappuccino before our hair appointments.  And check out the pastry that is sold at this bar as well.  My cousin Angela tells me it is one of the best around. I'm making a note of that for future use.  

Now it is time for our appointments.  The salon is right next door.  The salon, Ricci & Capricci) is very similar to a U.S. salon but the way they operate is different.  The owner, Tommaso Cammarano, controls everything.  As this was my first visit I needed color and a cut.  (Sorry gentlemen this part is for us girls 😉. My stylist back in the U.S  gave me the formula I needed for my color.  Let's hope it translates.  So he reads the formula and by his facial expressions I thought he understood but I received confirmation from Doria that all was well.  Thank goodness - that is step one.    One of the other workers now takes me and begins to do the color work BUT Tommaso gave her the instructions.  The other workers in the salon do the washing, color, drying, etc.  BUT Tommaso is the ONLY one that does the cutting/styling and provides all the instructions.  The color process is basically the same with a few minor twists.  They did let it process on my hair longer -which did give me a few moments of OMG!  But in the end - perfetto!!  After the color and wash Tommaso cut my hair and then one of the other gals dried it.  I'm happy with the outcome!  And cousin Doria?  Well she allows Tommaso to do whatever he wants to do to her hair.  I think it came out beautiful.  Now the amazing part - the price.  One third what I would spend in the U.S.  Seriously!!!

So check that first off of the list.  And that was a big one that could have been disastrous but I am very happy!!

With our new dos - Doria asks if I would like to meet another cousin of hers - (not the Gentile side).  She loves this cousin and wants me to meet her.  The cousin is currently staying with her daughter and family due to some surgery and is within walking distance of the salon.  We arrive at her house and she is on the balcony.  Many homes here have locking gates.  I'm still not sure why as there is not a crime problem.  I think it is just the way they build.  So arriving at the gate her cousin tries to open it (it is electronic) - 10 minutes later and the gate still won't open.  Her cousin is so sad as she wants to serve us coffee (as is the norm when you have a guest).  She will not be deterred.  So she makes the coffee and puts it in a basket and lowers the basket to her granddaughter.  Her granddaughter then brings the coffee and cookies to us through the gate.  You can't make this stuff up. This IS southern Italy and I LOVE IT!!

Friday, June 2, 2017

Zucchini Bread and Metrics

giovedì, 1 giugno 2017

And yes these 2 are related.  Today I tackled baking and the metric system all at once.  And I think it was a success based on the end results.  However when I started out I wasn't quite sure.

My first problem this morning was I did not bring my loaf baking pan with me to Italy. I guess I thought I wouldn't use it.  Well first mistake.  So before I could even start I had to run to the grocery store (yes remember they have a second level that has all sorts of housewares - like a mini-Target).  I found the baking pans and then panic - the sizes are all different.  OK take a deep breath - just google the conversion of a 9 x 5 baking pan and I came up with something that was close to the pans they were selling.  First challenge done - now back home to bake.

I am using a U.S. recipe so all of my measurements are easy - NOT.  The dry ingredients were fine as everything was in cups, etc.  Then I get to the butter and it says 3/4 cup.  Uh oh -  how will I measure that?  So I start to google conversions of cups to grams. I determine I need 170 grams of butter.  Hmmmmm the package of butter I bought says 200 grams. Ok not too challenging I can estimate it close enough.  But to my surprise when I open the butter - there they are - measurement marks similar to what shows on our sticks of butter.  (For those that don't cook - trust me - this was a huge relief).  

The dry ingredients, flour and spices should be easy - well sort of.   Flour - no problem but then the spices of ginger, nutmeg and cinnamon - just a bit different.  The lid would not come off the ginger so I had to sprinkle some into a bowl so I could measure it - not shocking but just a bit different from how we measure.  And the nutmeg and cinnamon - I did have to remove the lids to be able to use a small measuring spoon.  

So batter finally made the next challenge - the oven.  I had many options as you can see from the picture.  Thank goodness for Google translate.

And the end result?  

YUM!!!  I even was brave enough to take one loaf and split it - one half for Angela and Luigi and one half for yes - you guessed it - Giovanni and his wife, Anna.  Knocking on his door was a bit scary as I had to walk past the guard dog and yes I determined it IS a guard dog!!  Not sure I will do that again but I did it.  I explained I made this from the zucchini and eggs they gave me.  I thanked them again and told them I hope they like it.  They told me anytime I want more zucchini I should just ask.  They are just so sweet!

I must say I did enjoy the challenge and look forward to learning Italian recipes for baking.  
