Thursday, May 25, 2017

The wait continues.... (seriously).... but still making progress

giovedi, 25 maggio 2017

So the internet is still down. Pretty amazing that a business can stay in business with this type of service.  My only thought is there must be no competition.  In this small area that would make sense but still sad that no one seems to care that their customers are not happy and do not have service.  Oh well, nothing I can do but wait.  But I do have confirmation it is the line in the area.  There have been sightings of the “TIM” (Italian company) truck.  

Unpacking is progressing.  In fact making better progress than expected.  You see, this house is full of stuff that belongs to my cousin.  The house was rented out in the summer so it really was complete BUT here I come with just the same amount of stuff and in some cases more - I.e. clothes.  So little by little Angela and I are doing the transfer - out with her stuff and in with mine.  Today the kitchen was the task and I am happy too say everything I brought fits - with room to spare.  Now I do have to get used to storing things differently.  For example in the kitchen is a huge cabinet - it has 9 very large deep drawers and 12 much smaller ones.

This is used to store all of my cook/bake ware, dishes, utensils, etc.  You can also store food (dry/can goods) if you wanted to.   Everything is now put away but I am sure in time I may change the location of things as I become more accustom to cooking in the kitchen.  

A few items were completed yesterday as well that are leading to finally buying my car - we hope tomorrow.

Angela took me to the Comune again so I could secure my Carta D’Identita.  Remember I was waiting for the Chicago Italian consulate to respond to the Comune?  Well the Comune is still waiting but since they know my cousins and again, remembered my application for citizenship they decided to process the application without what ever it was they wanted from the Consulate.  Which begs the question why didn’t they just do that last week?  Another Italian mystery I may come to understand some day.  I have included a photo of this document.

Have no clue why it won't show right side up (sigh)

 It serves as your key piece of identification.  It is good for 11 years and cost 5.42 euros.  With that in hand we head back to the bank and I need them to communicate with my bank in the U.S.  They need to “securely” communicate my new account/bank #s so when I need money it can be transferred electronically.  Now I need to correct some info I posted earlier about banking.  Consider this next section - “Italian Banking - Part 2”.  As Angela and I discussed our first trip to the bank she reminded me it took 2 hours.  I wrote something about a 20 minute event.  Time flies when you are clueless.  HAHAHA!!  So this time I was much more aware of the length of time it took to transact my business.  All I wanted was a secure email to be sent to my bank.  Well an hour later we leave and I am praying that it worked. I had a written document showing me it was sent BUT……….   Luckily later in the day I did get a call from my U.S. bank advising me all the necessary information came through. This is important as this is how I will get money when needed.  I chose to keep my money in the U.S.  Money will then be transferred into my account on a periodic basis.  But the immediate need is I can now get a check from the bank to buy my car on Friday.  

And I had a great surprise late this morning as Angela and I were working in the kitchen.  Another cousin stopped by.  But this was probably the most important cousin.  It was my Mom’s first cousin Angela!!!  She is the one that has taught me to make pasta.  I am so honored.  She is 86 years old and had not been to Acquavella in 2 years.  Today she told her daughter Rita, I want to go visit Karla.  She brought me some eggs from her hens that were just laid this morning.  Not a bad welcome gift!!  She is amazing. Her body is wearing out but her mind is a sharp as a tack!!  She remembers everything and can tell you birth dates of anyone in her extended family.  She promised she would return and I would cook for her.  She even said maybe we could make fusilli!!  I can’t wait to spend more time with her as she has some great Gentile family stories that I want to get recorded.  She is one of the last first cousins (of my mother’s) that is alive and can remember the past.  I don’t want to lose this opportunity.

Well I am off to do more work so I can buy a car tomorrow.  I am sure there will be plenty of “interesting” things to tell you about domain.

Buona serata!!

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