Ok so can you guess what this is? Angela and I installed it on Thursday. Let me know in the comments!!
Also any idea what kind of tree this is? I would have never guessed. It is a mulberry tree - or in Italian, Albero di gelso. The berries are yummy and we pick them off the tree and eat them! Angela tells me you can make marmalade as well as liquor from them. Not sure I will try either anytime soon but fun to know I have other wonderful plants/trees on the land.
Also on Thursday Oscar accompanied Angela, Luigi and I to lunch. We sat outside - check out this view. Right across from the sea.
We tried to get Oscar to go closer but he would not have anything to do with the sand, let alone the water. All in due time. He is adjusting well and is getting lots of exercise. There are no flat roads in this village. Everything is either up hill or downhill or up and down some stairs. It is helping me with exercise as well until I have time to join the fitness center.
The technica (internet technician) showed up today (Friday) More problems however. If I understand correctly the cable from the street to the house is non-existent so next week they will trench and lay new cable. The house is 30 years old but has never really been used as a residence. So some changes/improvements are required. Patience is a key word for me right now. I had hopes of possible wi-fi by the weekend. This could end up being a few week process at best. So I will still need to “borrow” wi-fi from Luigi’s Pharmacy. I sit outside on the bench and use his signal. Works great but not sure it is a long term solution. At this point it is better than nothing.
And the search for a new used car continues. My scout (a cousin) is looking. They found a nice station wagon but all agreed it was too big of a car for me. Today we may have found one - more on this later if it works out.
I’m looking forward to tonight (Friday) as Stefano, my cousin’s son returns from Naples for the weekend. He is an engineer (recent grad) but working on his specialization. He speaks good English and I believe will help me with the Italian phone package. Oscar and I will surprise him and meet him at the train station. He will be expecting his mom or dad!!
More later.....
Baci e abbracci!
My guess was a clothes line.....but could not get ny comments to post. Not sure if it is me or the site. Roberta