Tuesday, May 16, 2017
My day starts with Angela at my door telling me the workers are coming so she will stay at the house while I go with Luigi to the Comune di Casal Velino. I need to secure my “Carta di identita”. (Identification card). It proves I am a resident and is needed for many things - medical services and buying car. We go to the Community building and are able to walk right in and start the process - no lines, no appointments - so far so good. Luigi explains what I need and he begins to ask questions about where I will live, etc. There is quite a conversation between Luigi and the gentleman helping us. Once that is completed Luigi has a form that must be signed by Angela. She is the owner of the house that I will be living in. Once that is done he turns to me and starts to ask specific questions - married/children/city where I as born, etc. Interesting that he remembers my citizenship documents arriving from Chicago as he was at the one that recorded the event. Once complete he prints off a paper for me and has me sign it. I find out at this point in time I am still NOT registered and won’t leave with my carta di identita. The paperwork must be sent back to the Consolato (consulate) in Chicago for some reason. When it returns then I can come back and bring a photo (similar to passport or drivers license photo) and my card will be created. So what this means is a few more days delay in buying my car. I need that card to prove residency and a passport does not work. The paper I have however can be used if I need medical treatment. Haha - for those of you that know me really well that will be a very rare occurrence but glad I have the document.
My day starts with Angela at my door telling me the workers are coming so she will stay at the house while I go with Luigi to the Comune di Casal Velino. I need to secure my “Carta di identita”. (Identification card). It proves I am a resident and is needed for many things - medical services and buying car. We go to the Community building and are able to walk right in and start the process - no lines, no appointments - so far so good. Luigi explains what I need and he begins to ask questions about where I will live, etc. There is quite a conversation between Luigi and the gentleman helping us. Once that is completed Luigi has a form that must be signed by Angela. She is the owner of the house that I will be living in. Once that is done he turns to me and starts to ask specific questions - married/children/city where I as born, etc. Interesting that he remembers my citizenship documents arriving from Chicago as he was at the one that recorded the event. Once complete he prints off a paper for me and has me sign it. I find out at this point in time I am still NOT registered and won’t leave with my carta di identita. The paperwork must be sent back to the Consolato (consulate) in Chicago for some reason. When it returns then I can come back and bring a photo (similar to passport or drivers license photo) and my card will be created. So what this means is a few more days delay in buying my car. I need that card to prove residency and a passport does not work. The paper I have however can be used if I need medical treatment. Haha - for those of you that know me really well that will be a very rare occurrence but glad I have the document.
We decide to take care of the photo as long as we are out. So we stop back in Marina at a photo store and within 15 minutes I have the photos I need. Now we just have to wait………..again!
Upon returning to the house we find the worker still installing the cable for the internet. This is no small task. I have included a few photos of what this looks like. Amazing but considering the age of the village and the infrastructure nothing is a surprise any longer.
Best I can figure out I will have DSL service. The technician connects a cable to the telephone pole and strings it to another pole and then over to the wall near the house. The first picture is the pole that brings the cable to the wall. Look for the gray cable strung across the street. Once at the wall it is connected to the wall with a big hook and then brought down to be fished through a series of plastic tubing underground - under the stairs, up the hillside, under the stairs again, in front of the house to finally come through a junction box that will then take it into the house. This entire process probably took 7 hours.
The connection is now installed BUT the modem will be brought “domani or dopo domani” - “tomorrow or after tomorrow” by another person. So close but yet so far………..
All in all progress is being made. One never knows what tomorrow will bring!!
Baci e abbracci!
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