Sunday, November 3, 2019

A Year in My Life - Kitchen Project - Part 6

Week 5 Update:

This week was tile completion, including the niche over the stove.  In addition painting, base finish and electrical work was done.  On Tuesday the lights from Murano (Venice) arrived.  They won't be installed until the last moment to ensure they remain safe!!  The electrician worked to complete installing the lights, new plugs and switches.  There was a slight delay in painting so I pushed the appliance delivery to Saturday.   On Friday night I went to the house to ensure it was ready for the appliance delivery on Saturday afternoon.  The plan was to clean on Saturday morning in anticipation of this delivery and the delivery of the furniture (cabinetry) on Monday. When I walked up to the house I was amazed at just how clean the back terrace was.  That amazement continued when I walked into the house.  The workers had cleaned the house better than I could have ever imagined. They also cleaned the back and front terrace.  Holy smokes you would never get that in the states (in my opinion).  These guys were amazing.  So looks like if all goes well late next week I could be moving back in.  

On Monday when I arrived at the house the tile worker was just starting to install the tile in the niche. I stood there and watched the entire process.  He was so precise.  And the architect was there to watch and help along the way.  The architect has been wonderful.  Totally engaged and owning the project and the process.  Sometimes I think he is more excited than me!!

Enjoy the pictures - next week you will see the complete kitchen!!

The border material matches the counters

The tile for the mural begins to be installed.  He not only ensures
it is even but also ensures the depth of the cement
is even for each and every tile.  He truly is a master!

Row one complete

The architect was fully engaged and assisting
with the tile installation.  Row 2 underway.

Nearing the finish

The artist noted the company in the right corner........

..... and the artist's name and year in the left corner

These are my lights from Murano
The artist (glass blower) provides this photo
and on the back is the certificate and guarantee. 
Excited to see them hung soon!

Painting begins

Can lights installed after painting

And now the finished product!!
Chimney for wood burner all fixed

The view from the living room

End wall - to the left will be the 
refrigerator and oven

Cabinetry will cover the white tile

Kitchen side of the island

And the lighted masterpiece!

I can't tell you how happy I am with the finished product to date - and with just over one month of work. What a great team I have!!  I look forward to sending you the final update next week.

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