Sunday, June 2, 2019

A Year in My Life - Pets, Puddles and Plans

May started out on a challenging note and continued through most of the month.  Upon returning from Ireland (yes I know I still owe you a blog post on my trip) - - Oscar was not well.  He had stopped eating and was lethargic and hunched over as if to protect his stomach.  A day after returning, Roberta, Angela's daughter (the vet that lives in Dublin) arrived in Italy for a visit.  As soon as she saw Oscar she said - "let's go to the vet now".  

Two years ago we discovered a mass on Oscar's spleen.  We have been monitoring it and knew that it had grown.  Roberta was concerned it may have burst.  Well once at the vet (which I remind you is an hour away) ultrasound proved it indeed had continued to grow at a rapid rate - it was time for surgery.   Fortunately it had not burst. 

The surgery was scheduled for May 8th.  A surgeon would come to the vets office to perform the surgery.  Many small clinics have vets who specialize in certain but not all types of medicine and some may or may not do surgeries.  Oscar came through the surgery like a champ - but the surgeon said we were just in time.  A few more days and the mass would have burst and with no emergency vet close to me it would have been fatal for Oscar. 

Oscar at home after his "first" surgery

Finally resting 

Prior to our scheduled return for a checkup Oscar developed a bulge in his stomach.  We all thought (including the Vet) that it was just fluid buildup from the surgery.   Well another visit to the vet before our scheduled followup visit and we discover he has a hernia.  Another surgery would be required but it wasn't an emergency.  As we were discussing the best date for a second surgery we realized Oscar was struggling so - emergency hernia surgery - conducted by my vet on the spot.  I had totally forgotten was stress was like until now.

A sigh of relief after the second surgery

Fast forward 2 weeks and he is healing nicely.  The vet now calls him the little bull!  He is one tough guy for being almost 15 years old.  Two surgeries (with anesthesia) in 8 days!!   

Needless to say May has not gone as planned.  In addition -  the weather - OMG!!!  It has been terrible.  Everyone hear is saying this is the worst May they can ever remember.  It has been rainy and cool.  No summer clothes yet and my gardens and outdoor work is way behind schedule.  I FINALLY was able to use my new grill however, in-between the rain drops.  

Initiation of my new grill

Note the glass of vino -  Can't cook outside without it!

I did however make progress on the plans for my kitchen renovation.  I mentioned last month I had met with an architect.  Well, many meetings later the design is done.  I have also finished my selection of kitchen cabinets or as they call it here - kitchen furniture.  I recently finalized my selection of appliances; refrigerator, oven, cook top, exhaust hood and sink.  Interesting as I had to do quite a bit of research as many different brands are available here but there are no large appliance stores where you can see the different brands. In addition they typically don't buy a stove/range like in the states.  The oven and cook top are separate items.  Thank goodness for the Internet.  

I am so happy I chose to work with an architect.  He really is doing a great job and I feel confident my vision for the renovation will become a reality without too much drama.

Right now I am in the midst of selecting the tile for the back splash and other areas of the kitchen.  I will use Vietri tile.  This is very famous Italian tile from Vietri Sul Mare.  It is designed and manufactured here.  This city is the first along the famous Amalfi coast coming from the south.  When you think of Vietri tile you should think beautiful colours and designs of the area - sea, lemons, sunflowers, and classic Amalfi coast designs.   I have talked with 2 local dealers but the best part........Luigi has a work colleague that lives in Vietri and knows a local artist and small factory.  We took a field trip this past week.  This designer and factory will custom design my tile and make it for my kitchen!!!! This would be cost prohibitive in the states.  But being local and buying direct is clearly one of the big benefits of living in southern Italy.  

Images of Vietri tile

The plan is to finalize everything and have all the products on order by July 1st.  The work will commence at the end of September and take one month (per the Italians) which means I am planning for a 2 month timeline.  My target is to be complete in enough time for Thanksgiving dinner!! I will keep you posted as we progress.  

I'm looking forward to June as I will have family and friends visiting most of the month.   Let's just hope the weather takes a turn for the better.  

And after the rain........the sea turns beautiful colors

Bring on June and warmer weather!!

1 comment:

  1. Poor Oscar! Glad to hear he's going to be back to his old self soon. Give him a big (but gentle) hug from us!

    Cheers to a more relaxing June!
