Well here I am 1 week away from my 1st year anniversary of my move to Italy. Oscar and I left Minnesota on May 8th. I arrived on May 9th and Oscar the next day, May 10th, and so our journey began. Wow that year went fast. At times it feels like I just got off the plane and others like I have been here for years.
So how has my first year been - some friends have asked me questions like:
How does it feel to be a true Italian resident? Am I still happy I made the move and would I do it again? What do you miss, if anything, from the states. When are you going to open that agriturismo/ bed and breakfast you talked about?
All good questions and for my final blog I thought I would answer them.
I’ll start with the last one - the agriturismo/bed and breakfast.
Yes for many years my vision included me opening up a business here in southern Italy. However, the longer I am here, that part of the vision is fading for many reasons. Running a business in southern Italy, any business, has its challenges. The bureaucracy is thick and heavy (worse than the states for sure) and many times the rules/regulations make no sense. In addition I am not sure I want to work that hard - haha! I want the freedom to travel when I want and don't want to be tied down to a schedule. And luckily at this point in my life I don’t need to work. I am very grateful for that fact. So those of you that have been waiting to visit until I had my business up and running - well you better change your plans. I know many wonderful places you can stay in the area - some agriturismI (plural), some bed and breakfasts as there is a difference. Just let me know and I will give you some great options very close to me.
Italian Residency
I don’t feel any different as an Italian resident than I did as an American - although I sure wish I spoke Italian better. Don’t get me wrong - I have improved a lot since arriving here last May BUT this language is not an easy one to learn. I’m not afraid to speak it and usually it is not 100% perfect - but I get my message across. If I waited or worried about speaking perfectly I would get nowhere so you just dive in and do your best. People here are so understanding and helpful when I tell them I am just learning. So with that said I might feel even more like a resident if I spoke better. Understanding the news, laws, regulations, etc. can be challenging when you don’t speak and understand the language fluently. But I voted in my first election as a resident. What I have not done yet is get my Italian driver’s license. THAT I am leaving for year 2 - I do have the books and mobile app for studying but it will take some concentrated studying. The other item I’m just learning about and may be a less than positive thing is Italian taxes. They can claim some of my income (retirement, investment earnings, etc.) as taxable. This is not an easy thing to work out. So I now wait for the Italian tax consultant to advise me. Tax Day is October 31st here in Italy. I’m sure after that experience I will feel 100% like an Italian resident!!
Am I happy with the move and would I do it again?
100% yes - the move itself was easy but then you know I’m a planner so all the details were very well organized and my arrival along with my stuff and Oscar was painless - with just a small amount of stress.
I would say I doubt if I would have made the move without having family here. That is one of the main reasons I wanted to come but having them here has made so many things that much easier as far as transition. If I had a question they could help me. In addition getting things done here is a challenge so knowing people is key. Remember the old saying - it is not what you know but WHO? Never truer than here is southern Italy.
What do I miss?
Oh my lot’s of stupid stuff - that really is not important - good red meat on occasion, like a good burger or steak. Certain foods I guess but really I can do without. The two things in my house that I miss are a furnace and a clothes dryer. I know I mentioned this in a blog post but the damp, cool winters are no fun without a warm house. BUT with that said you can always find a fix. Angela, Luigi and I will be finding a bigger “stufa” or stove/heater for the house next winter. And oh what I would give for a clothes dryer. My house does not have enough electrical service for a dryer BUT I have recently found a solution - really only necessary in the winter. There is a new self service laundromat that just opened up. I stopped the other day to check it out and the owner was there and explained everything to me. Big washers and dryers so I can even use it this summer for large comforters, etc. But in winter I could take a few loads of wet clothes and use the dryers. So again, there is always a solution for the downside - sometimes you just have to search a bit.
And finally the other thing I do miss are my family and friends. BUT with technology today I can stay in touch just as easy from here - Video calls are fabulous and using different software I can talk to people for free. I just can’t call a friend up and say - let’s meet for dinner. I do miss that spontaneity of friendships.
I will say my blog has been an easy way to communicate with a large group of people who have an interest in what the heck I am doing. I am considering keeping the blog going - “A years of Firsts - continued…..” So stay tuned and thanks for following my adventure this past year. I hope it brought some joy and laughter to your life - it sure did mine!!